Dynamic Resources

These features work together to provide flexibility and customization in document generation, allowing information to be automatically updated based on Salesforce data. Resource Manager The Resource Manager is a central component that manages all available resources...

Toolbar Tools

Explore the Docu2.me toolbar and master the art of text editing! Format, organize, and personalize your documents with ease and speed. The Docu2.me toolbar offers a complete set of formatting and editing tools, allowing you to customize your documents with agility and...

Menu Help

1 – Help The ” Help” menu is your gateway to the complete Docu2.me documentation.  Menu: Access the main menu. Help: Click on ” Help”. Help: In the dropdown menu, select” Help”. Click ” Help” in the main menu...

Menu Tools

The “Tools” menu in Docu2.me provides access to advanced features that assist in editing and customizing your document, such as automatic keyword substitution and other helpful options. 1 – Substitution The automatic substitution feature in Docu2.me...

Menu Format

Both the toolbar and the “Tools – Format” menu in Docu.2me offer a variety of options to customize the appearance of your text, similar to those found in popular applications like Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and other WYSIWYG editors. This guide...