Explore the Docu2.me toolbar and master the art of text editing! Format, organize, and personalize your documents with ease and speed.

The Docu2.me toolbar offers a complete set of formatting and editing tools, allowing you to customize your documents with agility and precision.

1- Essential Controls

Master the basic editing functions with Undo, Redo and Print, and customize the look of your text with Header and Font Family options.

  • Explore the essential tools to control your text edits. The Undo function allows you to revert the last action performed, such as deletions, insertions, or formatting, while Redo restores an action that was undone, allowing you to move back and forth in your edits. Use the Print option to generate a hard copy of your document, with options to configure the printer, number of copies, and pages to be printed.
  • Enhance the style of your text with Header formatting options, which allow you to organize content into hierarchical levels (Heading 1, Heading 2, etc.), defining the importance and structure of your text. Use the Font Family tool to choose from a variety of typographic styles to customize the look of your document, such as Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana, and many others. Choose the font that best suits the tone and style of your document.

2 – Text Formatting

Highlight and organize your text with formatting tools: Font Size, Bold, Italic, Underline, Font Color, and Background Color. 

  • Adjust the Font Size to ensure readability and visual impact of your text, choosing between small sizes for notes and comments, or larger sizes for titles and highlights. Use style options to emphasize keywords and important phrases: Bold to highlight key terms and main ideas, Italic to give subtle emphasis or indicate foreign titles and names, and Underline to mark words or phrases that require special attention.
  • Customize the look of your text with Font Color and Background Color options. Change the text color to create highlights, colored titles, or differentiate sections of the document. Change the background color of the text to highlight sentences, create visual cues, or organize content with colors.

3 – Insert Elements

Enrich your document with images and links! Insert images to illustrate concepts and add links to connect information and external resources. 

  • Use the Insert Image function to add figures and illustrations that complement your text and make the document more visually appealing. You can insert images from your computer or from a URL, allowing you to add images from various sources.
  • The Insert Link option allows you to connect your document to websites, files, or other sections of the same document, creating a more interactive and informative reading experience. Simply enter the text you want to display as a link and the destination URL, and your readers can access the complementary information with a simple click.

4 – Alignment and Spacing

Organize the layout of your text with alignment and line and paragraph spacing options. 

  • Control the alignment of your text with the Align Left, Align Center, Align Right, and Justify options to create an organized and professional visual structure. Use left alignment for a traditional look, center alignment for titles and highlights, right alignment for dates and page numbers, or justified alignment for formal, professional-looking text.
  • Adjust Line and Paragraph Spacing to optimize readability and text flow, making the document more enjoyable to read. Adjust line spacing to control the visual density of the text, and paragraph spacing to separate blocks of text and improve the visual organization of the document.

5 – Lists

Organize information with different types of lists: Tasks, Bulleted, and Numbered, with various formatting options.

  • Create Task Lists to manage activities, with checkboxes to mark items as complete. Use Bulleted Lists (disc, circle, and square) to present items in a visually organized way, ideal for non-sequential lists of items.
  • Use Numbered Lists to organize sequential information, with formatting options such as: decimal (1, 2, 3), decimal with leading zero (01, 02, 03), lowercase Roman (i, ii, iii), (I, II, III), lowercase Latin (a, b, c), and uppercase Latin (A, B, C).

6 – Indentation and Tables

Adjust the structure of your document with indent options and the tool to insert tables.

  • Organize the visual hierarchy of your text with the Decrease Indent and Increase Indent options, which allow you to control the position of paragraphs relative to margins. Create indents to highlight quotes, examples, or specific paragraphs, organizing the text in a visually clear way.
  • Insert Tables to present data in a structured way, facilitating the comparison and analysis of information. Set the number of rows and columns, customize the style of borders and cells, and organize your data efficiently.

7 – Additional Formatting

Enhance the formatting of your document with elements such as Blockquotes, Horizontal Lines and Page Breaks.

  • Highlight important passages of text with Blockquotes, which format the selected text with indent and a different style, ideal for long quotes or excerpts that deserve emphasis. Divide sections of your document with Horizontal Lines to improve visual organization, separating topics or sections clearly.
  • Insert Page Breaks to control document layout and start new sections on separate pages, useful for organizing chapters, sections, or topics on different pages. Remove unwanted formatting with the Remove Formatting function, which returns the selected text to the document’s default style, clearing any previous formatting.

8 – Dynamic Resources

Use dynamic fields, filters and resource manager to integrate Salesforce data and create custom documents. 

  • Dynamic Fields: Insert fields that are automatically populated with Salesforce data, such as object, user, and system information. This allows you to create custom documents with specific data for each record, such as contact name, account name, date, and other relevant information.
  • Filter Block: Filter Salesforce data based on specific criteria to display only relevant information in your documents. This allows you to customize document content according to the needs of each situation, displaying only information that meets the defined criteria.
  • Resource Manager: Access and manage resources such as Callables, Datasets and Variables to create dynamic and customized documents. Use Callables to execute Apex code and access custom information, Datasets to fetch data from Salesforce objects and Variables to store and reuse information in your document.