Menu Edit

Help 5 Uncategorized 5 Menu Edit

The “Edit” menu in contains essential commands for modifying and managing the content of your document, such as undoing and redoing actions, cutting, copying, pasting, and selecting text.

1 – Undo

This command reverses the most recent action you performed in the document. It’s a lifesaver for those accidental deletions or formatting changes.

  • Menu: Access the main menu.
  • Edit: Click on “Edit“.
  • Undo: In the dropdown menu, select “Undo“.
  • Shortcut key: Ctrl+Z or ⌘+Z

2 – Redo

If you’ve undone an action and then change your mind, “Redo” brings back the undone action.1

  • Menu: Access the main menu.
  • Edit: Click on “Edit“.
  • Redo: In the dropdown menu, select “Redo“.
  • Shortcut key: Ctrl+Y or ⌘+Shift+Y

3 – Cut

This command removes the selected text or object from the document and places it on the clipboard, ready to be pasted elsewhere.

  • Menu: Access the main menu.
  • Edit: Click on “Edit“.
  • Cut: In the dropdown menu, select “Cut“.
  • Shortcut key: Ctrl+X or ⌘+X

4 – Copy

This command creates a duplicate of the selected text or object and places it on the clipboard, leaving the original in place.

  • Menu: Access the main menu.
  • Edit: Click on “Edit“.
  • Copy: In the dropdown menu, select “Copy“.
  • Shortcut key: Ctrl+C or ⌘+C

5 – Select all

This command highlights all the content within the document, making it easy to apply formatting or perform other actions on the entire document at once.

  • Menu: Access the main menu.
  • Edit: Click on “Edit.
  • Select all: In the dropdown menu, select “Select all“.
  • Shortcut key: Ctrl+A or ⌘+A

6 – Delete

This command permanently removes the selected text or object from the document.

  • Menu: Access the main menu.
  • Edit: Click on “Edit“.
  • Delete : In the dropdown menu, select “Delete “.
  • Shortcut key: Ctrl+Backspace or Option+Delete